Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An example of my diet log.

Well here's a week I'm not particularly proud of in my diet log, as you can see I was probably putting myself into starvation mode by only eating half my BMR calories on heavy activity days.


Date/TimeFoodCaloriesFat(g)carb(g)protien(g)data sourcefraction of servserving for nutrition infoComment


Monday, feb 23(LIFT DAY, tricepts, delts, and chest) Burns around 1000 calories


8:00:00250ml Eggwhites, 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup celery1720.613.828.8 scoops (35g)


8:15:001 cup of coffee 1 tsb of sugar805.542.120thedailyplate.com2


11:00:00Breakfast2: tuna (can)600.5013package


13:00:001/3 cup cottage cheese + 1 avocado 1 cup celery40931.123.415.2


15:00:00Breakfast2: tuna (can) HUNGRY!600.5013package




18:00:00Postworkout: isolate shake. 1401.53.528package12 scoops (35g)


20:00:003/4 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup muslix, 1 scoop of isolate shake5891957.446.7



weightDaily Totals151058.74100.22144.7


160Daily (g) targets based on weight in column 1 (cutting)2,026.6764.00234.67128.00


deficit/surplus in grams-516.67-5.26-134.4516.70


--Daily Percentages




Tuesday, feb 24(Gymnastics Day burns around 1450Calories) + morning run (25min)


7:00:001 cup egg whites, 1/4 cup celery, 1/3 cup fat free plain yogurt, 1/4 cup muslix49915.352.540


7:45:001 cup of coffee 1 tsb of



11:00:00Breakfast2: tuna (can)600.5013package


13:00:001/3 cup cottage cheese + 1 avocado 1 cup celery40931.123.415.2


16:00:00Lubch2: tuna (can)600.5013package


17:30:00200g lean ground beef,1/2 cup cooked brown rice,1/2 cup carrot, 1Tbsp Parmesan 76016.577.870.3


22:15:001/3 cup yogurt, 1 cup pineapple, isolate shake269329.633.1


weightDaily Totals2,097.0069.67184.36184.60


160Daily (g) targets based on weight in column 1 (cutting)2,026.6764.00234.67128.00


deficit/surplus in grams70.335.67-50.3156.60


--Daily Percentages


Daily (%) targetsBW*18155530


Wed, feb 25(LIFT DAY,legs) Burns around 1000 calories


8:00:001 gala apple, 1 cup egg whites1870.917.826.7 scoops (35g)


8:15:001 cup of coffee 1 tsb of sugar805.542.120thedailyplate.com2


11:00:00prelunch: tuna (can)600.5013package


1:00:002 gala apples, 1 avocado, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice80633121.511.5


3:30:00:00Lubch2: tuna (can)600.5013package


19:00:00Postworkout: isolate shake. 1401.53.528package12 scoops (35g)


18:00:001/2 cup cooked brown rice, 120g chicken breast, 1/2 cup shredded carrot564777.644.9




weightDaily Totals189748.94222.52137.1


160Daily targets (g for pfc)2,026.6764.00234.67128.00


deficit/surplus in grams-129.67-15.06-12.159.10


--Daily Percentages


Daily (%) targetsBW*19155530


Thurs, feb 19(Gymnastics Day)


8:00:00breakfast: 1/4 cup muslix, 1/2 cup mixed berries, 1 scoop of whey3248.828.232.5


8:15:002 cup of coffee 1 tsb of sugar805.542.120thedailyplate.com2


10:00:00Breakfast2: Jill's veggies, threw the dip out.200.141.1


13:00:00Lunch: slider with slice of montery2439.50.436.6


15:00:00afternoon snack:100g lean beef patty, 1 avocado50835.717.134.4


18:30:0050g brown rice,100g steamed asparagus2011.5426


10:00:00post-gym isolate shake. 700.751.7514package0.52 scoops (35g)


20:00:003/4 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup muslix, 1 scoop of isolate shake5891957.446.7


weightDaily Totals203580.89152.97171.3


160Daily targets (g for pfc)2,026.6764.00234.67128.00


deficit/surplus in grams8.3316.89-81.7043.30


--Daily Percentages


Daily (%) targetsBW*19155530


Friday, feb 13(weights, back and bi's)


8:00:00breakfast: 1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt, 1/4 cup granola2037.325.79.9www.bodybuilding.com0.5


8:15:002 cup of coffee 1 tsb of sugar805.542.120thedailyplate.com2


11:30:00Breakfast2: tuna (can)600.5013package


13:00:00lunch: 120g chicken breast, meat only, 50g rice3814.64040.8


15:00:00afternoon snack:60g chicken breast, meat only992.1018.6


with 2 slices of montery jack1201008package2per slice



19:00:00post-gym isolate shake. 1401.53.528package12 scoops (35g)


dinner... safe to eat big. 1450 calorie deficit.


weightDaily Totals108331.5471.32118.3


160Daily targets (g for pfc)2,026.6764.00234.67128.00


deficit/surplus in grams-943.67-32.46-163.35-9.70


--Daily Percentages


Daily (%) targetsBW*19155530

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